
jsftpd takes an object when a new instance is created. This object can have different properties:

new ftpd({tls: {...}, cnf: {...}, hdl: {...}})
  • tls: TLS options. Takes any option as per node.js tls.createServer

  • cnf: jsftpd specific configuration items

  • hdl: jsftpd handler for specific FTP commands


jsftpd will only listen on the securePort, when the instance is created with a tls property. This property takes all options from node.js tls.createServer.
Some default values are configured.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Attempt to use the server’s cipher suite preferences instead of the client’s


Type: boolean
Default: false

If not false the server will reject any connection which is not authorized with the list of supplied CAs.


Type: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[]
Default: ...

A self signed certificate has been added to allow using the TLS interface.


The default certificate must be replaced for secure operation.


Type: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[]
Default: ...

A self generated RSA private key to allow using the TLS interface.


The default key must be replaced for secure operation.


The below options can be set with the cnf property when creating a new instance of jsftpd.


Type: number
Default: 21

The port used for unencrypted or explicit encrypted access. jsftpd will listen on this port for incoming connections.

new ftpd({cnf: {port: 21}})


Type: number
Default: 990

The port used for encrypted (implicit) access. jsftpd will listen on this port for incoming connections.

new ftpd({cnf: {securePort: 990}})


Type: number
Default: 10

The maximum number of simultaneous connections to the ftp server. Will be counted separatly for control and data connections.

new ftpd({cnf: {maxConnections: 10}})


Type: number
Default: 1024

The minimum port used for establishing the data connection in passive mode. Together with maxConnections, it builds the possible range of ports being used.

new ftpd({cnf: {minDataPort: 1024}})


Type: string
Default: ${__dirname}/tmp

The main folder used when the default user or the anonymous user accesses the server.

new ftpd({cnf: {basefolder: '/tmp'}})


Type: string
Default: undefined

The main users username. By default, there is no main user configured.

new ftpd({cnf: {username: 'john'}})


Type: string
Default: undefined

The main users password. By default, there is no main user configured.

new ftpd({cnf: {password: '123456'}})


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow login without password. This only affects the main user.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowLoginWithoutPassword: false}})


Type: boolean
Default: true

Allow to create files. This only affects the main user.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowUserFileCreate: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: true

Allow to retrieve files. This only affects the main user.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowUserFileRetrieve: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: true

Allow to overwrite existing files. This only affects the main user.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowUserFileOverwrite: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: true

Allow to delete existing files. This only affects the main user.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowUserFileDelete: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: true

Allow to delete existing folders. This only affects the main user.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowUserFolderDelete: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: true

Allow to create new folders. This only affects the main user.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowUserFolderCreate: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow the anonymous user to login. The defined basefolder will be the default folder for this user.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowAnonymousLogin: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow the anonymous user to create files.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowAnonymousFileCreate: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow the anonymous user to retrieve files.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowAnonymousFileRetrieve: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow the anonymous user to overwrite files.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowAnonymousFileOverwrite: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow the anonymous user to delete files.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowAnonymousFileDelete: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow the anonymous user to delete folders.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowAnonymousFolderDelete: true}})


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow the anonymous user to create folders.

new ftpd({cnf: {allowAnonymousFolderCreate: true}})


jsftpd can use handler functions instead of reading/writing to the file system for several FTP commands.

const handler = {
    upload: async function (...) {},
    download: async function (...) {},
    list: async function (...) {},
    rename: async function (...) {}
const server = new ftpd({hdl: handler})

The following FTP commands are covered by the handlers

  • STOR: Uploading files to the FTP server

  • RETR: Downloading files from the FTP server

  • LIST: Listing directory contents on the FTP server

  • MLSD: Listing directory contents on the FTP server

  • RNFR: Renaming files on the FTP server

  • RNTO: Renaming files on the FTP server


Name: upload
Returns: boolean

The upload function takes 5 arguments when being called from jsftpd. It must return true on success or false on any error handling the file upload.

username: string the user who has uploaded the file
path: string relative path on the FTP server where the file is stored
fileName: string the name of the file that is stored
data: Buffer the file content that is stored
offset: number the offset of the data received

async upload (username, path, fileName, data, offset) {


Name: upload
Returns: Buffer

The download function takes 4 arguments when being called from jsftpd. It must return the file content as a Buffer.

username: string the user who has uploaded the file
path: string relative path on the FTP server where the file is stored
fileName: string the name of the file that is stored
data: Buffer the file content that is stored
offset: number the offset of the data received

async upload (username, path, fileName, data, offset) {


Name: list
Returns: string

The list function takes 3 arguments when being called from jsftpd. It must return the content of the specified directory as a string.

username: string the current user
path: string relative path on the FTP server
format: string the format of the list reply (MLSD | LIST)

async upload (username, path, format) {


Name: rename
Returns: boolean

The rename function takes 4 arguments when being called from jsftpd. It must return true on success or false on any error handling the file rename.

username: string the current user
path: string relative path on the FTP server
fromName: string the current file that needs to be renamed newName: string the new name of the file

async upload (username, path, fromName, newName) {